State affair between Saudi Arabia and the world community
Saudi journalist murdered in consulate?

Saudi Arabian consulate (Quelle: Sabah)
Did Saudi Arabia actually murder journalist Khashoggi?
Turkey is reportedly in possession of evidence showing that Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi was being interrogated, tortured, murdered and then dismembered at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul.
Turkey is reportedly in possession of evidence showing that Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi was being interrogated, tortured, murdered and then dismembered at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul.
The body parts are said to have been flown in crates as diplomatic baggage out of the country to Saudi Arabia.
The Turkish government has explosive audio and video recordings. The Washington Post and the New York Times report that this evidence proves that the Saudi government-critical journalist was murdered at the consulate in Istanbul. According to these media, there are supposedly sound and video recordings from inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. The New York Times, like the Washington Post, relies on Turkish and American officers.
However, the Turkish government is reluctant to officially release the alleged audio and video recordings to the world community for publication in the world press, because they would reveal themselves how to spy on embassies and consulates of foreign states in Turkey. It is therefore also unclear how American government institutions were able to see the alleged material.
One thing is very clear: Khashoggi entered the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul on October 2nd to collect documents for his wedding with his Turkish fiancée. German Daily News reported on it in several articles.
Saudi Arabia denies the murder of the journalist and assured enlightenment. Khashoggi had gone into exile in the United States more than a year ago for fear of persecution. US senators demand consequences and President Trump demands immediate clarification from Saudi Arabia.
German Daily News journalist Dennis Andresen condemns the alleged crime against Jamal Khashoggi and has informed the United Nations in New York and asked to publicly condemn the case. In the name of and as a member of the German, European and American press associations, we demand immediate clarification from Saudi Arabia by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.
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