Nine-year-old child charged with murdering his own mother
Boy in front of US court

Policemen at the scene in Michigan (Quelle: AP)
In the state of Michigan, the state attorney's office has charged a nine-year-old boy with allegations of murder. The child is accused of having shot his own mother in his parents' house with a rifle.
In addition, according to official US Department of Justice documents, the indictment has been extended for committing crimes against US gun laws. In the United States, it is also possible to bring children to justice.
However, it is still unclear whether the nine-year-old was also charged with juvenile justice. St Joseph's District Attorney John McDonough told WWMT-TV that the woman's body was found in Fawn River Township Monday morning.
However, it is still unclear whether the nine-year-old was also charged with juvenile justice. St Joseph's District Attorney John McDonough told WWMT-TV that the woman's body was found in Fawn River Township Monday morning.
The village is located close to the large lakes in the north of the US halfway between Chicago and Detroit. So far, the judicial authorities have not published any findings on the course of action regarding details of the motive situation. Only the fact that the child attended the second grade and was examined by a psychologist has been published very little by the authorities.
Completely unclear is the question of how the nine-year-old could get to a presumably loaded weapon. It is not uncommon for children to get firearms and kill themselves or others (Source: WWMT / AP). Half a year ago, an eleven-year-old in Arizona had shot his grandmother and then himself. The incident took place in the small town of Lichtfield Park in Arizona (source: ABC News).
Before the terrible execution of the crime, the grandparents had several times asked the eleven-year-old boy to tidy up his room. According to information provided by the then competent sheriff's office, the grandparents sat on the couch on Saturday afternoon's Saturday afternoon and watched television as the eleven-year-old grandson of his 65-year-old grandmother fired a grandpa's weapon from behind into his head. The grandfather first ran after the grandson, stopped himself and took care of his wife. Shortly thereafter, the boy shot himself. The grandfather then contacted the police.
As a rule, we do not report suicides in order to prevent potential imitators. Only if there is an overriding public interest is written about it. If you are concerned with such thoughts, I ask you to seek help. In the US, the phone number is "911".
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